ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Connection Machine

The connection machine is like a big, fancy calculator that can do lots of math problems really fast. It has lots of little parts called processors that work together to tackle big problems.

Think of it like baking cookies. You have lots of ingredients (like flour, eggs, sugar) and you need to mix them all together in the right way to make delicious cookies. The connection machine has lots of little ingredients (processors) that work together to solve big math problems.

Just like you need a recipe to make cookies, the connection machine needs instructions on how to solve problems. These instructions are called algorithms, and they tell the machine what steps to take to solve the problem.

So, imagine you want to figure out how many different ways you can arrange the letters in the word "CAT". That's a big problem! But with the connection machine, you can break it down into smaller steps and solve it quickly. The algorithms would tell the processors how to arrange the letters and count all the possibilities.

Overall, the connection machine is a really powerful tool for solving complex problems quickly. It's like having a bunch of little helpers (the processors) all working together to make your life easier.