ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Connotation (semiotics)

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of the word connotation? It's a big word that means the feelings or associations that people have with a certain word or symbol. Let me explain it to you in an easy way.

When we hear or see a word like "dog", we think of certain things like loyalty, happiness, barking, and wagging tails. These things that we associate with the word "dog" are called connotations.

Another example would be the color red. We often associate this color with strong emotions like anger or love. These associations we have with the color are called connotations.

Connotations are important because they help us understand what a word or symbol means beyond just its literal definition. It's like a secret code that we all understand without even realizing it!

So next time you hear or see a word or symbol, think about the other things it might make you feel or think of. That's the connotation!