ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conscience vote

Okay kiddo, have you ever had to make a decision about something and you felt like there were two sides to it? Like when you can't decide if you want chocolate or vanilla ice cream? That's kind of what a conscience vote is like for grown-ups in the government.

Sometimes, there are big decisions that people in the government have to make, like passing a new law. But, not everyone in the government will agree on whether to pass that law or not. So, instead of just following what their party wants or what their leader tells them to do, the government members get to make their own decision based on what they feel is right.

A conscience vote allows every member to follow their own conscience or personal beliefs when voting, instead of following the party line. They get to think hard about what they think is the right thing to do, and then vote for what they believe.

So, a conscience vote can make things more fair because everyone's opinion matters, and it gives people in the government a chance to make their own choice based on what they think is important.