ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crossing the floor

Okay kiddo, sometimes in politics, the people who work together in a group called a political party might not always agree with each other. They might have different ideas about what they think is best for the country or the people they represent.

Sometimes, someone who is a member of one party might decide that they actually agree more with another party. This is called "crossing the floor." It's like when you're playing a game with your friends, and you switch sides because you think the other team is better or more fun to play with.

In politics, crossing the floor means that the person who used to be a member of one party leaves and joins a different party. This might happen for different reasons - maybe they have changed their mind about what they believe in, or maybe they don't like the way things are going in their old party.

When someone crosses the floor, it can have a big impact on politics because it might change the balance of power between the different parties. It might also mean that the person who crossed the floor has to give up their old position or job, and might have to find a new one in the new party they joined.