ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Westminster system

The Westminster system is a way of governing countries that was developed in the United Kingdom a very long time ago. It's kind of like a big game where everyone has different roles and rules to follow.

In this game, there are two main groups of people who do all the important things. One group is called the Executive, which is made up of people who are in charge of running the country, like the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. The other group is called the Legislature, which is made up of people who write and pass laws, like Members of Parliament.

The idea behind the Westminster system is that these two groups are separate from each other, but they work together to make decisions for the country. The Executive has to get approval from the Legislature before they can do anything important.

Another important part of the Westminster system is something called the "vote of no confidence." This is like saying "we don't like the people in charge anymore." If enough people in the Legislature vote for a vote of no confidence, then the Executive has to either step down or call for new elections.

Overall, the Westminster system is a way for countries to make sure that everyone has a say in how things are run, and that no one person or group has too much power. It's like a big game with rules to make sure everyone works together fairly.