ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: placebo, bible, gas, oop, adventist

English Civil War

The English Civil War was a big fight between people in England a long time ago. It was like when you and your friend argue about something, but instead of just talking it out, they started fighting each other with armies!

At the time, England was ruled by a king named Charles I. Some people didn't like how King Charles I did things and thought he was being too mean to them. They were called the "Parliamentary forces" because they met in a group called Parliament and agreed to work together to try to change how things were done in England.

The king, on the other hand, had his own ideas about how things should be done, and he didn't want to listen to what the Parliament was saying. This made the Parliamentary forces very angry, and they decided to go to war against the king's army. The war lasted for a long time, and it was very hard on everyone involved.

In the end, the Parliament won the war and the king was captured. They put him on trial and found him guilty of doing bad things. Charles I was then taken to a public square and beheaded. This was a very sad time in England's history, but it also changed things for the better. From then on, the Parliament had more power, and they worked to create a government system that listened to the people more.