Consciousness raising is when people learn more about something that affects them or others, like how to be kind to others or how to care for the environment. It's like when you're in school and your teacher teaches you something new, except instead of learning about math or science, you're learning about how to be a better person.
Think of it like a puzzle. Every time you learn something new, it's like finding a piece of the puzzle that was missing. As you learn more and more, the puzzle starts to come together and you start to see the bigger picture.
But consciousness raising isn't just about learning new things, it's about taking action based on what you learned. It's like when you learn about being kind to others and then you start doing acts of kindness for your friends and family. Or when you learn about the importance of recycling and start making efforts to reduce waste.
So, consciousness raising is all about learning and taking action, and when we do this, we become more aware and responsible for ourselves, others, and the world around us.