ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Constitutional amendment

Okay kiddo, so let me tell you what a constitutional amendment is. Do you know what a constitution is? It's like a rulebook for the country. It tells everyone how things work and what people can and can't do.

Sometimes the rules in the constitution need to be changed, like when people start to realize that something is missing or needs to be different. An amendment is a special way to change the rules in the constitution.

It's like when you ask your mom or dad if you can change the rules of a game you're playing - if they say yes, you can play by new rules! It's kind of the same thing but for the country.

But changing the constitution isn't easy, it's like going through a big obstacle course with a bunch of different steps you need to complete. First, someone has to come up with the idea for the change. Then, they have to convince a bunch of people that the change is a good idea.

After that, the change has to be written down very carefully so that everyone can understand it. Then the change has to be approved by lots of people in the government, like the senators and the representatives.

Finally, the amendment has to be approved by enough people in the country to make it official. It's like if all your friends agree that your new game rules are good, then you can officially play that way.

So, that's what a constitutional amendment is, a special way to change the rules in the constitution. It's not easy, but sometimes it's very important!