ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Consul (representative)

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a group of friends and you all decide to make some rules to follow when you play together. But sometimes, one of your friends doesn't want to follow the rules, and you all can't agree on what to do. That's where a consul comes in!

A consul is like a person that is chosen to be the voice of a group of people in a different place. For example, if you and your friends were in one town and you needed to talk to someone important in another town, like a king or a mayor, you would choose someone from your group to go and talk to them.

Now, this person would be your consul. They would go to the other town, talk to the important person, and then come back to your group with all the important information. They would also tell you what the important person said and what decisions were made.

A consul is really helpful because they can make decision-making easier for a group of people who can't all be in the same place at the same time. They also help to make sure that everyone's voice is heard, even if they can't be there in person.

So, that's what a consul is, a person chosen to represent a group of people and talk to important people in different places.