ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Container home

A container home is like a big toy house made out of metal boxes that people put on cargo ships to move things around the world. Instead of moving things, people use these metal boxes to create cool homes!

Imagine you have a bunch of Legos and you use them to build a house. The metal boxes are like giant Legos that builders stack on top of one another and rearrange to create a cozy living space. They can be made as big or as small as you want, depending on how many metal boxes you use.

Once the boxes are put together and secured in place, builders cut out windows and doors so people can go inside. They can add insulation and electricity to make the house warm and comfortable. You can paint the metal boxes different colors to make it look pretty and unique.

Container homes are cool because they are environmentally friendly. Instead of using a lot of new materials to build a house, we can recycle these big metal boxes that would otherwise just sit around. Plus, they can be transported and set up anywhere, so people can live in the city or in a remote location like a beach or a forest.

So a container home is basically like taking giant Legos and making them into a cool and eco-friendly house!