ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Continuation War

The Continuation War was a fight between two neighbors, Finland and the Soviet Union. They didn't get along with each other, and the war started because they couldn't agree on how their borders should be.

Finland was like a little brother, and the Soviet Union was like a big brother. The big brother wanted to control the little brother and make sure it was following his rules. The little brother didn't like this and wanted to be free to make its own decisions.

The war started in June 1941 when the Soviet Union attacked Finland. Finland didn't like this and fought back. The two countries fought for three years until the Soviet Union finally won in 1944. Finland lost some of its land but was able to keep most of it.

The Continuation War was a challenging time for the people of Finland. They had to fight for their freedom and protect their country from a big enemy. Many families were separated, and people had to leave their homes for safety. But in the end, Finland was able to survive and stay strong.