ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Continuing Criminal Enterprise

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are some bad people who do really bad things like steal or hurt other people, right? Well, sometimes these bad people don't just do one bad thing, they keep doing it over and over again, and they make a lot of money from it too. This is called a "continuing criminal enterprise".

Think of it like if a kid takes candy from the store without paying for it once, that's bad, but if they keep taking candy every day and selling it to other kids to make money, that's even worse. And if they have a whole gang of kids working with them to do it, that's a continuing criminal enterprise.

The law doesn't like these kinds of bad people, so they made a special law to punish them even harder. It's called the "Continuing Criminal Enterprise Statute". This law says that if someone is the leader of a group that's making a lot of money from criminal activities, like selling drugs or stealing, and they keep doing it for a long time, they can be punished really severely, like going to jail for a very long time.

So, basically, continuing criminal enterprise is when a bad person keeps doing bad things over and over again and makes a lot of money from it, and they can get in even bigger trouble for it under the law.