ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Contraction mapping

Imagine you have a big pile of toys that you want to pick up and put in your toy box. To do this, you have to move each toy one by one until they're all in the box. But what if you're not very good at picking up and moving toys? You might accidentally drop some, or put them in the wrong place, or take too long to do it. This could make the task really difficult and take a lot of time.

Contraction mapping is a bit like picking up toys and putting them in a toy box, but for grown-ups who like to do math. It's a way of moving points on a piece of paper (or a screen) so that they get closer and closer together until they all end up in the same spot.

To understand how it works, let's take an example. We'll start with a line segment that goes from 0 to 1 on the number line. We want to move each point on this line segment so that they all end up at the midpoint of the segment, which is 0.5.

The first step is to pick a number between 0 and 1. This will be our starting point. We'll call it x. Let's say we pick x = 0.2. The next step is to apply a function to this number that will move it closer to the midpoint of the segment, which is 0.5. The function we'll use is (1/2)x + (1/2). So:

f(x) = (1/2)x + (1/2) = 0.5x + 0.5

We can plug x = 0.2 into this equation to get:

f(0.2) = 0.5(0.2) + 0.5 = 0.6

So our starting point of x = 0.2 gets moved to f(0.2) = 0.6. This new point is closer to the midpoint of the segment than x = 0.2 was.

We can repeat this process with the new point, f(0.2) = 0.6. Let's call this new point y. So y = 0.6. We can apply the same function to y to get:

f(y) = (1/2)y + (1/2) = 0.5y + 0.5

Plugging y = 0.6 into this equation, we get:

f(0.6) = 0.5(0.6) + 0.5 = 0.8

So our point y = 0.6 gets moved to f(y) = 0.8. This new point is even closer to the midpoint of the segment.

We can repeat this process over and over again, moving each point closer and closer to the midpoint of the segment. Eventually, all the points will end up at the same spot, which is the midpoint of the segment.

This process of applying a function to a point to move it closer to a fixed point is called contraction mapping. The function we used in this example is a contraction mapping because it moves points closer to the midpoint of the segment. In general, a contraction mapping is any function that moves points closer together.

Why is contraction mapping useful? One reason is that it can help us solve equations. For example, if we want to find a solution to an equation like x = f(x), where f is a contraction mapping, we can apply the mapping over and over again starting with some initial guess for x. Eventually, the sequence of points will converge to the solution of the equation.

So even though it sounds like a kids' game, contraction mapping is a powerful mathematical tool that can help us solve all sorts of problems!
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