ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Convergence in probability

Okay kiddo, so you know how we use math to try to understand things that happen in real life, right? Well, sometimes we want to be able to say that something is likely to happen based on a lot of data or evidence we have. And that's where something called "convergence in probability" comes in.

Basically, convergence in probability means that as we get more and more evidence (or data), our belief or prediction about what will happen gets closer and closer to the true answer. So if we're trying to predict something and we have a lot of information, we can be pretty sure that our prediction is going to be pretty accurate.

Think of it like playing a game of darts. The more throws you take, the more accurate your aim will become, and the closer you'll get to hitting the bullseye. Well, convergence in probability is kind of like that – the more evidence we have, the more accurate our predictions will be.

Now, there are some mathematical formulas and equations that people use to figure out if something has "convergence in probability." But basically, what it comes down to is whether or not we can be pretty sure that our prediction is going to be right based on the evidence we have.

So, that's a quick explanation of convergence in probability. Remember, the more evidence we have, the better our predictions will be – just like the more darts we throw, the better our aim will be!