ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conversation analysis

Conversation analysis is like playing detective with the things people say and how they say them. When you have a conversation with someone, you might notice that sometimes people say a lot of words but they don't actually say what they mean. That's where conversation analysis comes in. It helps us figure out what someone really meant when they said something by looking at things like how long they paused before saying it or what words they emphasized.

It's kind of like when you watch a movie and the detectives are trying to solve a mystery. They look at all the clues that the bad guys left behind, like footprints or fingerprints, to figure out who did what. Conversation analysis is like that, but with words instead of footprints.

Scientists who study conversation analysis use special tools to record the conversations they're studying, like microphones or video cameras. Then, they listen to the recording or watch the video over and over again to see if they can find any patterns in the way people talk to each other. They might also use special computer programs to help them analyze the conversation.

One thing that conversation analysis can show us is how people use conversations to do things other than just talk. For example, when you ask your mom for a cookie, you're not just saying "Hey, can I have a cookie?" You're also trying to get your mom to give you the cookie. So when scientists study conversations, they look not just at what people say, but also at how they use their words to try to accomplish their goals.

So, in a nutshell, conversation analysis is like looking for clues in a conversation to help us figure out what people really mean and what they're trying to accomplish. It's like being a detective, but with words instead of footprints.