ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cornish devolution

Okay kiddo, so you know how you have a family and your family is like your tribe? Well, imagine your tribe is really big and it includes a whole bunch of other families too. That's kind of what Cornwall is like, it's a place with its own culture and traditions, but it's also a part of a bigger tribe called England.

Now, some people in Cornwall think that they should be able to make their own decisions about things like their schools, their hospitals, and their environment, instead of just having everything decided by the big tribe. This is called devolution, which basically means giving more power to the local people to make decisions that affect their own lives.

So, some people in Cornwall are asking for devolution, which would mean that Cornwall would have more say over how things are run in their own area. This could include things like more control over their own money (called funding), being able to make their own laws, and having more control over things like healthcare and education.

Some people think it would be a good idea to give Cornwall more devolution, because it would mean that the people who know Cornwall best (the people who actually live there) would be able to make decisions that are best for their own area. But other people are not so sure, because they worry that giving too much power to Cornwall could cause problems for the bigger tribe (England).

So, that's basically what Cornish devolution is all about - whether or not Cornwall should have more power to make its own decisions. It's a bit like your family deciding whether you should be able to make your own rules for your bedroom, or whether your parents should still be the ones making all the decisions for you.