ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cornish Assembly

Okay, kiddo, so a Cornish Assembly is kind of like a meeting for people who live in Cornwall, which is a place in the southwest of England. At the Assembly, people talk about things that are important to them like how their community is doing, what changes they want to see, and how they can work together to make things better. Kind of like a big group brainstorming session!

Some people in Cornwall are interested in having more control over their own area and making decisions themselves, instead of having leaders in a faraway place make choices for them. They think having a Cornish Assembly could help them with this, by giving them a say in what happens in Cornwall.

This idea is still being discussed and isn't official yet, but the important thing is that people are coming together to talk about it and share their thoughts. So, it's like grown-up show-and-tell time, where everyone gets to share what they think is important and interesting!