ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cornish nationalism

Okay, so you know how you have your country and you feel really proud of it? Well, some people in a place called Cornwall feel the same way. They think that Cornwall is special and deserves to be its own country, with its own rules and leaders.

You know how you have your own language in your region? Like how some people in Cornwall speak a language called Cornish? They think that if Cornwall was its own country, then they could make sure everyone speaks Cornish and protects the language.

Also, they think that if Cornwall was its own country, they would have more control over things like their own money, their own healthcare, and their own schools. They could make decisions that are best for Cornwall instead of having to follow what the bigger country, like England, wants them to do.

Does that make sense? It's like when you really love your own team or your own hobby, and you want to make sure it gets the attention and resources it deserves. The people in Cornwall just want to make sure their home gets the best treatment possible.