ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Corona discharge

Okay, so you know how when we rub a balloon on our hair, we can stick it to the wall? That's because there's something called static electricity that makes things stick together. Well, the same thing happens when there's a "corona discharge."

A "corona" is a little lightning bolt that happens in the air. It's like when we see lightning in the sky, but a lot smaller. When this happens, it makes some of the air around it electrically charged.

Now, when this electrically charged air gets close to something that's not charged (like a balloon that hasn't been rubbed on our hair), it can make the air around it turn into a sort of electric soup. This soup allows the electricity to jump from the charged air to the uncharged thing, like the balloon. This is the "discharge" part of corona discharge.

Sometimes, people use corona discharge to clean things. When they do this, they take something that needs to be cleaned, like metal or plastic, and they put it near the corona discharge. The electricity makes the air around the thing turn into soup again, and the soup can clean off any dirt or germs that are on the thing. It's a little like using soap and water to wash our hands!

So, corona discharge is like a little lightning bolt that happens in the air, and it can make things stick together or clean them off. It's a pretty cool thing!