ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cossack host

A long long time ago, in a place called Ukraine and Russia, there were these people called the Cossacks. They were kind of like warriors who were really good at fighting and riding horses. These Cossacks were organized into groups called "hosts," which were kind of like big armies of Cossacks.

The hosts were led by a person called a hetman, who was like a captain or leader. The hetman would make important decisions for the host and everyone else would follow his orders. The Cossacks were very proud of their hosts and would go to great lengths to protect their people and lands.

The Cossack hosts were also known for their unique style of living. They had a close relationship with nature and would often live in small communities or villages. They would also dress in a certain way, wearing colorful clothes and hats with feathers. They loved music, dancing, and storytelling.

So, to sum it up, the Cossack host was a group of really strong warriors who lived in villages and were led by a captain called a hetman. They loved nature, music, and dancing and would do anything to protect their people and land.