Hi kiddo, have you ever seen cotton before? It's a soft and fluffy plant that grows in warm places. Many years ago, people used to pick cotton by hand, which was very hard work and took a long time.
Then a man named Eli Whitney invented something called the cotton gin. Basically, it's a big machine that helps separate the seeds from the cotton.
Here's how it works: you put the cotton into the machine and then turn a crank. The cotton gets pulled through a bunch of tiny wires, which pull the cotton fibers away from the seeds.
Once the cotton fibers are separated from the seeds, they can be used to make things like clothing and blankets. Before the cotton gin, this process had to be done by hand, which was very slow and difficult.
Thanks to the cotton gin, people were able to make cotton products much more easily and quickly. This helped make clothing and other cotton items more affordable for many more people. Pretty cool, huh?