ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Council democracy

Council democracy is like playing a game with all your classmates where everyone gets a vote and says what they think should happen. In this game, each person's opinion is equally important, and everyone works together to make decisions about things that affect them all.

In the same way, councils are groups of people who are elected to make decisions about things that affect their community, like roads, parks, schools, and taxes. They work together to make sure that everyone's voice is heard and that everyone's needs are taken into account.

The council is like the referee in the game, making sure that everyone follows the rules and that the decisions are fair and for the benefit of the whole group. Council members listen to the ideas and concerns of the people in their community, and then they discuss and vote on what the best course of action is.

Council democracy is important because it allows everyone to have a say in how their community is run, and it helps to make sure that decisions are made fairly and for the benefit of everyone. It's a bit like playing a game where everyone is a winner, as long as they work together and listen to each other's ideas.