ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coupé (carriage)

A coupe is a type of car that typically has two doors, is low to the ground, and has a sporty design. Think of it like a fancy and stylish car that is made for cruising around town or showing off.

But, before cars existed, the term "coupe" was used to describe a type of carriage. A carriage is like a fancy wagon that people used to ride around in before cars were invented.

The coupe carriage was different from other types of carriages because it only had room for two people to sit inside. It was also lower to the ground, had a sporty design, and was pulled by two horses instead of one.

People would use the coupe carriage to go on fancy trips, go to important events, or just to impress other people. Today, we use the word coupe to describe the sports car that has a similar design and feel to the old-time coupe carriage.
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