ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cover crop

Hello there! Let me explain what a cover crop is in a way that a 5-year-old can understand.

Have you seen a garden? Yes? Great! Now, sometimes when people plant vegetables or fruits, they also plant some other plants that they don't eat. These plants are called cover crops.

Cover crops are like a big, cozy blanket that we put on the ground to keep the soil warm, healthy, and happy. They are like guards that protect the soil from bad things like wind, rain, and bugs. They don't grow to be big and tall like our vegetable plants, but they are still important because they keep our garden soil healthy.

Cover crops are also like food for the soil. When they grow, they take in nutrients from the soil and hold onto them. Then when they die, they give back those nutrients to the soil so that our vegetable plants can use them to grow big and strong.

Lastly, cover crops are like a gift to nature. They help provide homes to animals like insects and birds, which makes our garden a happy and healthy place for everyone!

So, to sum it up, a cover crop is a helpful plant that we plant in our garden to protect and nourish the soil, provide homes for animals, and help our vegetables grow big and strong.