ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Howdy partner! Today we’re gonna talk about cowboys. Cowboys are people who work on a ranch and take care of the cows. They live out in the wild west and have a very special job.

Now, cowboys have to do a lot of things to take care of the cows. They have to round them up and take them to different places, and they have to feed and water them every day. They also have to make sure the cows are healthy and not sick.

Cowboys wear special clothes to help them do their job. They wear big boots that help them walk in the mud and dirt, and they wear hats to protect their faces from the sun. They also wear special shirts and pants that are made of tough material so that they don’t get ripped.

Cowboys also ride horses to help them move the cows around. They use a special rope called a lasso to catch the cows and move them where they need to go. Sometimes they also use a gun to scare away any wild animals that might be around.

Being a cowboy can be a tough job, but it’s also a really cool job. They get to be out in the wild west, ride horses, and work with the cows. That’s pretty neat, don't you think?