ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Criminal tattoos

Okay kiddo, I'll explain criminal tattoos to you!

So you know how people draw pictures or designs on their skin with pens or markers, right? Well, some grown-ups do it with a special kind of ink that lasts much longer, and they do it on purpose to show something that's special to them.

But sometimes, some grown-ups who do bad things like stealing or hurting other people, they put specific pictures or designs on their skin to show that they're part of the group that does those bad things. They call it a "criminal tattoo."

These special tattoos can be different from place to place, like in different countries or cities. Sometimes, they use very simple pictures to show that they're part of a certain group, like a line or a dot, but sometimes they draw complicated designs that have lots of meanings.

Now, it's not a good idea to have a criminal tattoo because it can show that you've done bad things and people might not trust you or think you're a good person. But luckily, most tattoos aren't criminal, and lots of people get them because they like how they look and they want to show something special about themselves.