ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Criticism of deep learning

So, deep learning is a type of technology that's really good at learning things by looking at lots and lots of examples. It's like when you learn how to ride a bike by practicing a lot, but for computers.

But, sometimes people criticize deep learning because it can make mistakes. Imagine if you were learning to ride a bike and all you did was watch other people ride their bikes, but you never actually tried it yourself. You might not be very good at it when it's finally time for you to ride on your own.

Also, deep learning can sometimes be biased. This means that it might make decisions based on things like race or gender, which isn't fair. It's like if you only wanted to play with kids who had the same hair color as you, even though other kids might be just as fun to play with.

Finally, deep learning can sometimes be expensive and take a long time to do. It's like if you wanted to make a big sandcastle at the beach, but you had to keep going back home to get more sand because you didn't bring enough with you. It might take all day to make your sandcastle!