When you talk to your friends in a noisy room, sometimes you may have trouble hearing each other because others are talking at the same time around you. This is similar to what happens in electronics, where different signals try to talk to each other through wires, but other signals can mix in and make it hard for them to communicate clearly.
This problem is called crosstalk. It happens because electrical signals traveling through wires can interfere with each other. Like when you shout near someone's ear, they may have a hard time hearing what others are saying. Crosstalk can cause errors or distortions in the signals, making it difficult for electronic devices to work properly.
To avoid crosstalk, engineers use different techniques to separate the signals from one another. They can place the wires farther apart or add a shield between the wires to prevent them from talking to each other. They can also design circuits that isolate one signal from another, like separating two friends who keep talking over each other.
In summary, crosstalk is like friends talking over each other making it hard to communicate. It happens in electronics when different signals interfere with each other, causing errors or distortions. Engineers use techniques to separate the signals to avoid crosstalk and ensure that electronic devices work correctly.