ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crumple zone

Cars are very heavy and go really fast, but sometimes, they crash into things. When a car crashes, the energy from the crash needs to go somewhere, and if it doesn't go into the car, it can hurt the people inside. So, car makers created a special part of the car called the "crumple zone".

The crumple zone is kind of like a big, squishy cushion that's made to absorb a lot of the energy from a crash. When a car crashes, the front of the car (where the crumple zone is) gets all squished and crumpled up, kind of like when you squish a can with your foot. That might sound bad, but it's actually really good!

When the front of the car squishes up, the energy from the crash is spread out over a larger area. This means that there's less force pushing on the people inside of the car, which helps keep them safer. The crumple zone also helps slow down the car, which can help reduce the chance of people getting hurt.

So, even though it might seem weird that cars are designed to get all squished up during a crash, it's actually a really important safety feature that helps keep people safe!