ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey kiddo, have you ever seen how ice cubes freeze in your freezer? Imagine that happening outside in bigger scale, like the ground freezing. When the temperature gets very cold, water in the ground freezes and expands, causing small cracks in the ground. These cracks create tiny vibrations that we can hear, which is called cryoseism.

It's like when you snap a twig in half, it makes a small sound. But instead of a twig, it's the ground that's making the noise. Cryoseism usually happens during really cold temperatures, when the ground freezes quickly, and it can sound like a loud explosion or like thunder, but without the rain.

Sometimes, cryoseism can also cause damage to roads and buildings, but that's very rare. So, the next time you hear a loud boomy sound, it might just be cryoseism!
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