ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cuban Revolution

Okay buddy, so a few years back, there was a country called Cuba that was ruled by a guy named Fidel Castro. He was in charge for a long time, but people were not very happy with him because they thought he wasn't taking good care of them.

One day, a group of people got together and decided to try to get rid of Fidel Castro and take control of the country themselves. They called this the Cuban Revolution.

They were able to gather a lot of support from the Cuban people who were tired of Fidel Castro's rule. They fought a lot of battles and even though they were outnumbered, they were able to win some of them.

Eventually, the revolutionaries took control of the country and Fidel Castro had to leave. A man named Che Guevara became very famous for his role in the revolution. People all around the world started to hear about this and they were very impressed by the Cuban Revolution.

Today, Cuba is still trying to find its way and is a very interesting place to visit. But thanks to the Cuban Revolution, the people of Cuba were able to take control of their own country and make it their own.