ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Economy of Cuba

The economy of Cuba is the way its money is used, produced and traded. In Cuba, the government runs the economy and has done so since the 1950s. The government decides the prices of products, how much people should get paid, what money should come into and out of the country, and many other things related to money.

Cuba used to be part of the economy of another country called the United States. But in 1959, Fidel Castro and other Cuban revolutionaries took control of the government and made Cuba an independent country.

Today, the Cuban government works to make sure everyone in the country has enough money to live comfortably. It provides food, housing, education and healthcare to all citizens for free. It also sells products to other countries so it can buy things it needs like food and medicine.

The Cuban government also helps small businesses in their country by providing funding and support. The government hopes this will help people become financially independent and create jobs and wealth throughout the country.

Overall, the Cuban economy is still growing and working to give everyone a better life and more opportunities.