ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cuban underwater formation

Ok kiddo, so picture this. You know how the earth is made up of land, water, and rocks? Well, there is a special kind of rock called limestone that’s really good at dissolving in water.

Now imagine there is this big area of water around Cuba, and over a really long time, millions of years, limestone rocks in that water have slowly been dissolving away, like when you put sugar in water and it disappears.

But instead of just disappearing, the dissolved limestone particles have been slowly settling and building up in one area on the ocean floor, just like when you sweep up crumbs and they gather in one spot. This area is called the Cuban underwater formation.

It’s not just one big clump though. The formation has different shapes and sizes, including tall mountains and deep valleys. And because it’s underwater, we can’t see it with our own eyes, but scientists use special technology to study it and learn more about it.

Isn’t that cool? Even the ocean floor can have big formations and interesting things to learn about!