ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Culture-bound syndrome

Culture-bound syndrome is a medical condition or illness that only happens in certain cultures. For example, in some African cultures, there is a belief that if someone is scared, they may become “besouled” and that can cause them to have physical symptoms like fever and headache. While this is not recognized by doctors as an actual disease, it’s still a real and important part of the culture for those who believe in it.

“Culture-bound” means that something is specific to a particular culture and does not exist in other cultures. This means that people from different cultures may not understand or recognize the symptoms of a culture-bound syndrome because it doesn’t happen in their own culture.

It is important for doctors and healthcare professionals to understand these conditions so that they can provide appropriate care and treatment for patients who believe in them. It is also important to respect cultural differences and beliefs, and not dismiss them as superstitions or myths. Instead, healthcare professionals should try to learn about different cultures and understand their beliefs in order to provide the best possible care for their patients.