ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cynefin framework

The cynefin framework is like a toolbox that helps grown-ups figure out how to solve problems. It helps us understand what type of problems we're dealing with, and then gives us clues about what we can do to fix them.

Imagine you're playing with a bunch of toys. Some of them are simple, like blocks and balls, and you know exactly what to do with them. You can stack the blocks and roll the balls around.

But then someone gives you a toy you've never seen before, like a Rubik's cube. You don't know what to do with it at first – it's complicated! You have to figure out how to twist and turn the sides until all the colors match up.

The cynefin framework helps us think about problems like the Rubik's cube. It divides problems into different categories based on how complicated they are.

The first category is called simple. These are problems that are straightforward and you already know the answer to. For example, if you need to brush your teeth, you know exactly what to do!

The second category is called complicated. These are problems that have many different parts or steps, and you need to put them together in the right order to solve them. Like the Rubik's cube, you might need to do some research or get help to figure it out.

The third category is called complex. These are problems where there are a lot of unknowns and things are constantly changing. Like if you're trying to figure out how to be friends with someone who's different from you.

The last category is called chaotic. These are problems where things are completely out of control and you need to act fast to stop things from getting worse. Like if there's an emergency and you need to call for help right away.

The cynefin framework helps us understand what kind of problem we're dealing with, so we can choose the right tools to solve it. For simple problems, we already know what to do. For complicated problems, we might need to research or get help. For complex problems, we might need to experiment and try different things. And for chaotic problems, we need to act fast to stop things from getting worse.