Have you ever played with two different toys at the same time, like a puzzle and a building block? That's kind of like what dual cognitive architecture is! Our brains have two different ways of processing information: one is called the "automatic" system and the other is called the "controlled" system.
The automatic system is like a library in your brain where all the things you know how to do without thinking about them are kept. This includes things like walking, breathing, and even speaking your own language. It's like a set of instructions your brain already knows, so you don't need to think about them. It's like riding a bike - once you know how to do it, you don't have to think about every little thing you need to do to stay balanced.
The controlled system is like a second library in your brain. This is where you think and problem-solve. It's like doing a crossword puzzle or trying to figure out a math problem. Your brain has to think really hard to figure out the answer! It's kind of like using a map to get to a new place - you have to think about where you're going and what turns you need to take.
Both of these systems work together to help you do things. For example, when you're reading a book, your automatic system helps you see the words and understand what they mean without you having to think about it, and your controlled system helps you understand the story by crafting mental images, recalling information, and processing the information you're taking in.
So, dual cognitive architecture just means that our brains have two different ways of processing information that work together to help us do things like problem-solve and learn new things. It's like having two different libraries in your brain, one that stores all the things you already know how to do without thinking about it, and the other that helps you think and solve problems!