ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dalit feminism

Okay, kiddo, so dalit feminism is when people who belong to the dalit community, which are some of the most oppressed and marginalized people in India, focus on issues that affect both their gender and their social status. Dalit women have traditionally faced double discrimination due to their caste and gender, so they have formed a movement to advocate for their rights and to raise awareness about their struggles.

Think about it like this: Imagine you are part of a group of kids who everyone at school picks on and doesn't want to play with. Now imagine that you are also a girl, and some people treat you even worse just because of that. Dalit women are like that girl in our example, and they are trying to change the way things are so they can be treated fairly and with respect just like everyone else.

Dalit women talk about issues like access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities, as well as things like domestic violence and child marriage. They want to make sure that everyone has the same chances in life, no matter what their background or gender is. It's an important movement that fights for fair treatment and equality, and we should all try to support it.