ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Darwinian puzzle

Imagine you have a big puzzle with lots of puzzle pieces all jumbled up. Each puzzle piece is a little different from the others, and you have to figure out where it goes in the big picture. It's kind of like a game or challenge to see if you can fit all the pieces together and make a beautiful whole picture.

Now imagine that instead of a puzzle, we're talking about all the different living things on Earth. There are animals, plants, and so many different species, all unique in their own ways. Scientists like Charles Darwin wanted to understand how all these different pieces fit together - how did they all evolve from each other? The Darwinian puzzle is the challenge of figuring out how all these different living things came to be.

Over time, animals and plants changed to better adapt to their environments. For example, birds with stronger beaks were better able to crack open tough seeds, so they survived and passed on their strong-beak genes to their offspring. These tiny changes over many generations led to the diversity of species we have today.

The Darwinian puzzle is about piecing together all these different evolutionary changes and figuring out why they happened. It's a bit like trying to solve a puzzle with many, many pieces, but instead of fitting together cardboard shapes, you're fitting together the history of life on Earth.