ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Data codes for Switzerland

Okay kiddo, so when you use a computer or a phone, you know that the information you type is made of letters, right? But did you know that computers and phones don’t really understand letters like we do? They only understand numbers!

So when we want to send information from one place to another, we need to turn those letters into numbers using something called a code. And in Switzerland, they use a special code called an ISO code to talk about different things.

For example, each country has its own ISO code! Switzerland’s code is CH. That’s how computers know when you’re talking about Switzerland instead of another country.

But ISO codes don’t just work for countries. They also work for other things, like languages, currencies, and even things like time zones! Switzerland has its own ISO codes for these things too.

So, basically, ISO codes are like secret numbers that computers use to understand what we’re talking about. And in Switzerland, they use them to make sure everyone knows exactly what they’re talking about when it comes to things like language, currency, and location!