ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Database consumption

Imagine you have a big box, and inside this box, you have lots and lots of smaller boxes. Each of these smaller boxes holds something different, like toys or books or snacks. These smaller boxes are called "databases."

Now, let's say you want to find a specific toy, let's say it's your favorite stuffed animal. You can't just look inside every single box in the big box to find it because that would take a really long time. Instead, you look at a list or a catalog that tells you which smaller box has your favorite stuffed animal. This list is like a database index.

So, you use the index to find the right smaller box that holds your stuffed animal. You open that particular box, take out your favorite toy, and play with it. This whole process of finding, opening, and using the right box is what we call "database consumption."

In the same way, when people talk about database consumption, they mean using the information stored in the databases to find, retrieve, and use the specific data they need. Just like you found your favorite toy using the database index, people use different tools and technologies to search and extract the information they want from the databases.

So, database consumption is basically the process of accessing and using the information that is stored in a database, like getting your favorite toy from the right box in the big box.