ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dates of establishment of diplomatic relations with Francoist Spain

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you about diplomatic relations with Francoist Spain.

Do you remember how countries have relationships with each other, just like people have friendships with each other? Well, these relationships between countries are called diplomatic relations.

Now, back in the day, there was a man named General Franco who controlled Spain from 1936 to 1975. He had some different ideas than other countries, and some countries were not happy with him. But some other countries actually wanted to build a relationship with Spain, even though Franco was in charge.

So, when a country wants to start a diplomatic relationship with another country, they usually have to officially establish it by signing a piece of paper called a "diplomatic agreement" or "diplomatic recognition." This means that both countries agree to respect each other's sovereignty and work together peacefully.

Some countries established diplomatic relations with Francoist Spain in the 1940s, while others waited until the 1950s or 1960s. Some even refused to recognize Franco's government and chose to boycott him instead.

So, the "dates of establishment of diplomatic relations" are just the dates when different countries officially started their relationship with Francoist Spain. It might seem like a boring topic, but it's important to understand how countries communicate and work together.