ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes you might have a big toy, like a toy car or a dollhouse, and it has little pieces that go on it to make it work better? Well, that's kind of like what a daughterboard is for a computer.

A daughterboard is a little piece of hardware that you can put into your computer to help it do certain things better or have extra features. It's called a daughterboard because it's like a "child" of the bigger "parent" computer.

For example, if you wanted your computer to be able to connect to Wi-Fi, you might get a Wi-Fi daughterboard and put it into your computer. Or if you're into music and want to make sure your computer's sound is really good, you could get a sound card daughterboard.

So basically, a daughterboard is a little helper that you can add to your computer to make it do what you want it to do better. It's like adding accessories to your toy to make it more fun to play with!