ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

De Coelesti Hierarchia

De Coelesti Hierarchia is a Latin phrase that means "On the Celestial Hierarchy." It is actually a book written by a man named Pseudo-Dionysius, who lived a really long time ago (like, hundreds and hundreds of years ago). In this book, Pseudo-Dionysius talks about different levels of angels who all have different jobs and responsibilities.

Think of it like a big company, like a school. In a school, there are different kinds of people who work there and do different things. There are teachers who teach you things, there are principals who make sure everyone follows the rules, and there are janitors who clean up after everyone. These people all have different jobs and responsibilities, but they all work together to make the school a good place to be.

Well, in the book De Coelesti Hierarchia, Pseudo-Dionysius talks about how angels work together in a similar way. He says that there are different levels of angels who all have different jobs and responsibilities. Some angels are in charge of worshipping God, some angels are in charge of protecting people, and some angels are in charge of helping people do good things.

So, just like in a school or a big company, the angels all work together to make sure everything is running smoothly in the universe.