ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deep belief network

A deep belief network is like a big home for lots of little workers called neurons. Just like how you have many different parts of your brain that work together, a deep belief network has these worker neurons that work together to do a specific job, like recognizing pictures.

Picture recognition is really hard work, so the deep belief network needs to break down the job into smaller steps to make it easier. Each worker neuron focuses on one tiny part of the picture, like a tiny dot or line. Together, they can figure out what the picture is.

But the network doesn't just start with no idea about what the picture looks like. It first learns what different kinds of pictures look like by training with lots of examples. By recognizing patterns in these examples, it can get better and better at recognizing new pictures it has never seen before.

So, think of a deep belief network as a team of workers, each doing a tiny part of a big job, and learning how to do it better by practicing with lots of pictures.