ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deep sea fish

Okay, imagine that you're at the beach and you're standing in the water close to the shore. You can see lots of little fish swimming around your feet. But we're going to talk about some fish that live really, really, REALLY far away from the shore, so deep into the water that they can't even see the sun!

When you dive down into the water, it gets darker and colder the farther you go. And way, way down there, it's SO cold and SO dark that living things have to be really special to survive. That's where the deep sea fish come in!

These aren't the kinds of fish that you might catch on a fishing trip with your family. They're really different in lots of ways! For one thing, their eyes are often huge because they don't get much light where they live. Some of them even have light-up parts on their bodies to help them spot prey or to communicate with other fish.

Deep sea fish also have to be really tough to handle the intense pressure of being so far down. You know how when you hold your breath and dive down in the water, your ears start feeling weird? That's because the pressure gets stronger as you go deeper. Deep sea fish have special adaptations to deal with that pressure, like really strong bones or even special gases in their bodies that help them stay a comfortable size.

Some of these fish look pretty crazy, too! They might have really sharp teeth or long, slimy bodies. And because it's hard to find food so far down in the water, some of them have to be really sneaky or fast to catch their prey. Some have long, spiky tentacles to grab onto things, while others have giant jaws that they can snap shut to trap their dinner!

So while you're having fun in the sun and splashing around in the beach, just remember that there are some pretty amazing creatures living in the deep, dark depths of the ocean, too!
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