ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Defense Technical Information Center

Imagine you have some toys but you don't know how to play with them. So you go to your dad and ask him how to use them. Your dad then explains to you step-by-step how to use the toys. That's what the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) does, but instead of toys, they help people with technical information related to defense.

DTIC is like a big library where they keep a bunch of books and documents related to national defense. They have information about weapons, technology, and other things used in the military. They keep all this information in one place so that people who need it can easily access it. They also help people who need more information by providing research and analysis services.

Just like your dad helped you understand your toys, DTIC helps people understand technical information related to national defense. They are there to make sure people have the right information to keep our country safe, just like how your dad keeps you safe by teaching you how to play with your toys safely.