ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Defense contractor

OK, so imagine you and your friends are playing a game of superheroes, and you need some cool tools and gadgets to make your imaginary mission successful. Now imagine that a company exists that makes and sells these cool tools and gadgets to help your superhero team. This company is called a "defense contractor," and they make tools and gadgets for the military and government.

The government and military need things like airplanes, helicopters, tanks, guns, body armor, and radio equipment, just like superheroes need tools and gadgets to fight the bad guys. These tools and gadgets are usually too complicated or expensive for the government to make themselves, so they hire private companies (like the defense contractors) to make and sell them instead.

These companies must have very high levels of security and safety to make sure they don't accidentally sell their tools and gadgets to bad guys who could use them for evil.

So, a defense contractor is a company that helps the government and military by making and selling them important tools and gadgets, just like how you might go to a store that sells superhero gadgets to help make your imaginary mission cooler.