ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Defensive Patent License

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a patent? It's something that a person or a company can get to protect their invention or idea. It means nobody else can make, use or sell that invention without permission or paying money to the person who owns the patent.

Now, sometimes people can use their patents in a way that's not very nice. They might start to bully other people, companies or even developers who want to use that invention or idea even if they don't want any money from them.

To stop this from happening, some people came up with an idea called a defensive patent license. It's like a superhero cape that a company or a person puts on when they've made a new invention or idea. It means that they promise to only use their patent to defend themselves if someone else tries to use their idea without their permission or tries to sue them over it.

By doing this, they're saying that they won't be mean to other people who want to use their invention or idea. They can even give others permission to use it for free! And this can help other people to create new inventions or ideas and help the world become a better place.

So, in short, a defensive patent license is a promise to only use a patent to defend yourself, not to bully others, and to allow others to use the invention or idea for free if they want to.