ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Delta robot

Imagine you are playing with blocks and you want to move them from one place to another really fast. But instead of using your hands, you have three long arms that move really quickly and pick up the blocks. That's what a delta robot is!

A delta robot is a machine with three long arms that move quickly and smoothly, which makes it great for picking up and moving things like small objects on a production line. The three arms are connected to the top of the machine and move in sync with each other. The other end of the arms have something called an "end effector" which is like a hand that can grab things.

The delta robot gets its name from the triangular structure it's built on; it looks like the Greek letter delta (Δ). To move the arms, the robot uses something called a "ball and socket joint," which is like the joint in your own shoulder. The joints let the robot move in all directions and reach around things easily.

Delta robots are really cool because they are really fast and precise. They are often used in factories to quickly and accurately pick up parts and materials for production. And the best part is, they're just like giant toys!