ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Have you ever heard of the Denisovans? Denisovans are a group of humans who lived a long, long time ago, even before your great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents! They lived in a part of the world we now call Siberia, which is a place where it sometimes gets very cold.

The Denisovans were a type of ancient humans, just like the Neanderthals, that scientists have discovered by studying pieces of their bones and teeth. Even though the Denisovans lived a long time ago, scientists have found out really amazing things about them! They lived in caves called the Denisova Cave, and they sometimes made tools and other things out of stones found around their homes. They also lived in groups, just like you have friends and family.

One of the coolest things scientists have discovered about the Denisovans is that some of their DNA can still be found in people alive today! DNA is like the "recipe" that tells your body what to do and what you look like. Scientists have found bits of Denisovan DNA in people from different parts of the world, like parts of Asia and the Pacific Islands. That means that long ago, people who were Denisovans had babies with other humans who weren't Denisovans, and their DNA got mixed together. It's like when you mix different colors of paint together, you get a new color!

So even though the Denisovans lived a really long time ago, we can still learn so many things about them and see how they've influenced us even today!